"No, you wait here and drive away." Coco pushed the door and said softly, "I’ll call you when I come."

"Good" secret nodded and the car left.
Cocoa twist a head looked around to see nothing unusual before stepping into the community deliberately turned a circle into a unit building.
Five or six minutes later, Wu Di hit the door and greeted him with a dignified look. "Come in."
"This thing is very abnormal and definitely not a routine review." Coco walked into the room and said with a slight frown. "The people in the investigation team are very serious about whether they have communicated or not."
Wu Dimen replied softly, "I have called the city, but now there is an investigation team that has not dug up any information. It is very rewarding for me from the north. No one has heard of any investigation team recently established by the Frame Department."
Cocoa slowly sat on the sofa and thought for a long time and then asked, "Is there a big move in Fengbei aimed at Tiancheng?"
"But" Wu Di also bent down to sit "but now I don’t understand what they are aiming at Tiancheng? Is it knocking or rushing to kill? Which point should we defend against? "
"Personally, I judge that knocking is meaningless." Coco shook his head. "It’s not like the party and government soldiers are disobedient. We have to clean up our position. We have always been opposed to them. Can you change my position by knocking me? Still let me listen to you? "
Wu Di pondered for a long time. "That is to rush to bring down Tiancheng Baofeng. The fuse should be that Xiaoyu made a big noise in Fengbei some time ago and decided to clean us up, right?"
"I don’t think it’s as big as Xiaoyu," Coco said for Qin Yu. "The economic problem is not a criminal case. You can punish someone if you have the witness’s testimony. It’s very complicated to try to catch a group company of our size. It’s impossible when necessary. Xiaoyu just made a noise in Fengbei and they came to do this. It’s too hasty, you know?"
Wu Di fell silent.
"The first problem now is to find the other side and try to break the point, so that we can be confident in our defense, otherwise we can’t get up if we ask in private," Coco said calmly.
Wu Di turned to look out of the window and suddenly asked, "Lao Zhang is still not connected?"
"Yes" cocoa nodded.
"Could he have had an accident?" Wu Di got up and asked again.
"You think like me," Kekeqiao replied seriously. "I think the problem lies with him."
Wu Diwen walked four or five times in the room before continuing to say, "What they want to break is not the tax problem, but the big group must be avoiding taxes, but even if this kind of thing is dug up, it is not just a person who pays a fine and punishes us, which can make us feel sick but can’t cause us any substantial harm."
Cocoa is also thinking, "I don’t think it will be a tax issue either."
"Will Lao Li run for the Chief Councillor?" Wu Di suddenly turned around and asked.
Cocoa shocked
"When Lao Li first elected the Chief Councillor, Tiancheng didn’t throw less money out. At that time, Lao Zhang also participated in the transfer of funds to the people’s representatives." Wu Di frowned and asked, "Will they take this as a matter of saying that Tiancheng manipulated the election of parliamentarians?"
"The problem won’t be here." Coco also got up and answered in detail. "At that time, Tiancheng paid money to help Lao Li run for office. There were some instructions opposite me. We paid the money out through donations from two charitable foundations, and they gave it to people’s representatives for charity relief. I don’t think they will check this because we don’t have any problems except that we know that the money is to help Lao Li run for office. Secondly, if you want to make it natural instead of the people, there are so many people’s representatives participating in this matter. Once they are stripped, they may not feel very well.
"Fair enough" Wu Di talks to Coco at a very fast pace, because the latter has a better understanding of the company than he does.
Cocoa rubbed his minibus with his right hand, bowed his head and walked back and forth in the house for a few laps, then suddenly said, "I’ve thought it over again. The problem should be that we have to do things every quarter."
Wu Di alpha males "you said they want to move layer? That’s impossible, right? !”
"Three years ago, it was impossible for Tiancheng not to grow up, and Fengbei Longxing firmly occupied the position of the first market share. But after three years, we rose completely in the political position and the general party and government were the naysayers. They wanted to kill Tiancheng for good reason, but they had to kill Tiancheng first." Coco said with a naked eye, "The umbrella is still in Tiancheng, and we will completely lose our vitality without it."
Wu Di said strangely when he heard this, "Do you mean that Fengbei is coming for me?"
"Lao Zhang’s responsibility is to give the layer a rebate every season." Cocoa words are said more and more quickly. "But the main thing that Fengbei wants to do is not necessarily our military and political layer, but it may be …"
"Let’s party and government in secret?" Wu Di immediately asked.
"Yes!" Cocoa immediately nodded and said, "Digging out the back of Tiancheng through a large bribery case will make it logical to find out what projects we have received full support from the government and the court can also determine the illegal income of some of our assets."
Wu Di heard this and broke into a cold sweat. He almost blurted out, "If that’s the case, will they move Manulife next?" ! If Lao Zhang has been arrested, aren’t you … also … also ordered? "
A car is speeding along a highway outside the area.
A man was driving, swearing with words. "How can there be no signal here?" !”
At the same time, Su Yong, a riverside community, frowned at the local police station and asked, "What are you doing to eat? I called you a few days ago and you didn’t keep an eye on people. What kind of attitude is this? Do you deserve to wear a policeman? !”
Chapter 1122 Defense
The local police officer didn’t dare to get angry with Su Yong, but tried to explain that "he went to the living village to engage in private armed forces. We couldn’t be recognized as soon as strangers entered the place with him … and we were really in trouble here!"
Su Yong glanced coldly at the other party and asked directly, "Should you find it?"
"I’ve already controlled the phone call. He’s already on his way back. I informed the communications attack company that he’s been taken over there …!" Police officers nodded and answered.
"The horse must be successfully trapped before dawn," Su Yong said without doubt. "You can arrest people with your help!"
"good!" The policeman nodded.
Wu Di sweat pores fried face very dignified and said, "If they really hit this point and have already controlled Lao Zhang, it’s hard for us to defend."
Tiancheng Baofeng Pharmaceutical Group will make a large dividend rebate to the management every quarter from the early days of its establishment, and this dividend is based on shares.
At that time, when the shares were divided, at least half of Wu Di’s share was held for generations, and these people were in a high position, so it was impossible for them to get Wu Di to help them take care of this part of the assets by signing their own names in Tiancheng Company.
However, it is necessary to say that although Wu Di helps these people take care of their shares, he is not a white glove, because other people’s military and political backgrounds are also extremely strong. He plays a role in dividing cakes
Simply put, Wu Di jumped out to run a business, but everyone helped, so it is only natural that he should share some benefits.
Most of the bonus layers of Tiancheng Company are military and political dignitaries, that is, those bosses who just started to support Wu Di can slowly rise in Songjiang and accumulate many other layers.
For example, in the past three or four years or so, the position of the superintendent in Pingdao District has gradually become a little subtle. Whether it is a big thing or a small thing, they are all very close to Qin Yu. Although there is no such thing as the black street side, it has been very stiff with the police station. However, in some Pingdao District where the team needs things, they either abandon their votes or always support Qin Yu intentionally.
What is this?
Why should people be close to Qin Yu?