In Huaxia Nine Souls, I watched the white marble square stone directly hit the eyebrows of the skull of the skull young dragon and disappeared into it strangely. Then Huaxia Nine discovered that the skeleton of the skull young dragon had undergone some changes, which seemed to be very slow and slow, and Huaxia Nine could not see what was happening in a short time. Fortunately, I knew that this white marble square stone should be a relic left by the parents of the skull young dragon, and it should not bring some benefits to the skull young dragon. Huaxia Nine was not worried.

This white marble square stone was transformed by the square boulder on which Huaxia Nine sat when it found the humanoid dragon body in the wild mountains. On the square boulder surface, Huaxia Nine got a dead dragon egg, and then it was a coincidence that it gave birth to such a freak as the skeleton dragon cub.
Strange to say, the young skeleton dragons are full of dead bodies, which should be regarded as a group of skeletons among necromancers, that is, a special group of bone dragons at best, but I don’t know that there is a faint vitality or a dead vitality hidden in every skeleton, which has not been discovered in China for nine years. The Lich King of the underworld discovered this and told Huaxia Nine.
Later, Huaxia Nine learned that the demon clan was divided into different grades and associated it with the theory that the celebrity dragon has truly entered the demon sacred realm in the demon clan, which is comparable to the strong human godsworn’s Middle Way and the strong human godsworn’s Middle Way.
Chapter three hundred and sixty Four Demon Saints
After Huaxia Nine, I got the memory of Dan Mo’s ten thousand years. From its memory, I learned some information about the ten thousand years’ journey. Generally speaking, I have some calculations about the identity of the humanoid dragon, knowing that its identity is extremely special even among the dragons. Now I think that it was so easy to get its dragon body at that time, and I feel that it is too easy to get it.
It is said that from a long time ago to tens of thousands of years before Luo Cha invaded the Taoist spirit world, vegetation, stone jade, mammals and so on absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and gradually gained consciousness and wisdom. These creatures were collectively called goblins by human beings. Most of these goblins have some powerful and special abilities, but they have been suppressed by human monks.
Until one day, it was said that the Dragon Valley, the holy land of the Chinese Dragon, sent a clan. As soon as this dragon appeared, it was powerful, powerful and possessed great wisdom. For hundreds of years, he made all the celestial fairies at his feet and called these fairies the demon race, which shocked the whole people at that time.
In less than a thousand years, the dragon won the title of demon emperor, and the celestial goblin was the most powerful and outstanding demon king in ancient and modern times, and he granted some orthodox cultivation methods to the demon family, which greatly increased the strength of the demon family for tens of thousands of years, and its strength was almost catching up with the human monks who were proportional to prosperity at that time.
However, the more so, the more uneasy and threatened the human monks became. At that time, several large doors led a well-planned war against the demon race.
The human godsworn was the strongest among the godsworn at that time, and two of the Taoist statues led seven Taoist statues, totaling nine super-strong. After a shock to the whole world war, the dragon demon emperor was seriously injured and dying to escape, while the seven Taoist statues of human beings were killed and six people were irretrievably injured. After returning to Zongmen for decades, he also fell.
And then the human monk army also demon race war hundreds of years later, I didn’t know that the sea clan was involved, and the demon clan joined hands with the human monk army war. In the end, human beings won miserably. Although the demon clan was driven out of the wild mountains and the sea clan retreated into the depths of the sea, human beings also paid a heavy price, weakened and lost nearly half of their strength, especially the Taoist level strong one.
It was at this time that the monks in Luo Cha suddenly invaded the soul world under the leadership of the strong with two and five levels of Taoist honour. At that time, there was only one level of Taoist honour left in the world, and the Taoist priest suffered heavy losses in the war between the demon race and the sea race. The root was not the opponent in Luo Cha.
Luo Cha’s two masters led Luo Tianzong and the powerful army of all forces at the head of the Blood Brake Palace, almost without paying any price. At that time, there were only a few half-step Taoist masters and the vast majority of masters who asked for the level. When they completely occupied the Taoist soul world, they unexpectedly found that the Taoist soul world’s first strong one, the Heavenly Fortune Taoist statue, suddenly broke the boundary and rose to the realm of honour before its fall.
Moreover, on that day, Daoyun Zun is said to be a man with great wisdom. At that critical moment, Daoyun Zun decisively melted his soul into the world of Daoyun, and forced the two deities in Luo Cha out of the world of Daoyun by the force of Daoyun, and the Tianyun Monument gathered the whole mainland of Daoyun to forcibly close the mainland passage of Daoyun in Luo Cha, which made the Luo Cha world collapse.
Later, when the two deities in Luo Cha were unwilling, they made great contributions to the sky. They arranged Gankun to hide from the big array outside the whole Taoist soul world, isolated it from the Taoist soul world, and even went against the heaven to ban and imprison the Taoist soul world source force, making the whole Taoist soul world become a Luo Cha world to cultivate Taoist seeds and Taoist soul orchards.
In this World War I, because of the hatred of the demon race and the sea race against the human monks in the Taoist spirit world at that time, the monks in the Luo Cha world did not take the initiative to provoke the demon race and the sea race.
In the next ten thousand years, the Taoist and spiritual world entered a period of quiet imprisonment. Except for the small-scale friction and conflict between the human demon race, the Terran and the demon race developed silently, and some sea races declined because of the sudden disappearance of Haisheng.
The dragon demon emperor never appeared again, but after the world war ten thousand years ago, Longgu sent two dragons to inherit the dragon demon emperor and unify the demon family again. However, at that time, the demon family was granted the orthodox cultivation method by the former dragon demon emperor, and then some cultivation methods were snatched from human hands. It was very difficult for some strong people to promote the demon saint level because of the great changes in the world of Tao and soul, and their strength was better than that of some strong people in the demon family at that time, and they could not be reduced. Since then, the demon family has been in a situation of strong separatism.
The two dragons that emerged from the Dragon Valley were called the dragon emissary by the demon race. The first one planted the human friar, and the strong one ambushed and fell under siege by the human friar. It is said that the body and the dragon soul were refined, and the mysterious and powerful Tsing Yi elder was the first dragon to make the dragon soul.
Later, he sent a dragon emissary, that is, the black dragon in Longcheng, now in the far north, is called the first of the four demon gods, and the black dragon is the first master of the demon race. His powerful means combined with various means and strategies have just developed one side of the demon race’s forces, and after thousands of years of operation, it has become one of the four major forces of the demon race.
Now the demon clan is led by four demon saints, namely, tree saint, peacock demon saint, golden monkey demon saint, black dragon demon saint.
Among them, the tree sage is the plant demon family, the peacock demon sage is the bird demon family, the golden monkey sage is the animal demon family, and the black dragon demon saint has some special plants, birds and animal demon families, and most human beings are also the black dragon demon saint genus.
Among the four major forces of this demon race, the Shu Sheng Hui plant people are mostly distributed throughout the demon mountain range, but most plants are simple, simple and conservative in nature, and there are few conflicts of interest among other demon races, and there are few disputes among the other three forces, and the three forces are close.
And the other three forces of the demon race compete for territory, for some natural resources and treasures, and they often have disputes with each other, and from time to time there will be small-scale wars among mankind. This is the case when China came to the Taoist spirit world at the beginning of the ninth year and met the wolf demon in Tangjia Town, Cangnan County, the great martial empire of Nanzhou.
Chapter three hundred and sixty-nine Long Xi
After the dragon demon emperor was seriously injured and dying, there was no Huaxia Nine. According to the information, he inferred that the humanoid dragon body was the dragon demon emperor’s body, and the square jade probably meant that when the Chinese demon clan was unified, the dragon demon emperor came to order the dragon seal of the heavenly demon clan.
Before the monkey demon appeared, the whole information of the demon family and the dragon demon emperor had already flashed in Huaxia Nine’s mind, and he had already quickly planned countermeasures in his mind, and even gave the skeleton baby dragon in the spirit beast bag a soul to guide it out of its pure Rowen.
However, he didn’t expect that it would lead to the mysterious white marble stele of the dragon seal and enter the skeleton young dragon body. At half past nine, he couldn’t see where the skeleton young dragon body changed, so he threw it behind him temporarily.
After the skull and young dragon swallowed the Kirin remnant soul in the cave at the bottom of the Danfeng Mountain, it was promoted to the initial level of the Great King. Later, it swallowed a third of the soul form of Luo Tianzong Feiyun in Luo Cha. You know, the soul form of Feiyun is a Taoist level, and the soul form of the skull and young dragon has exploded again from energy. Recently, it has been sleeping in the spirit beast bag, digesting and exploding soul energy and completely transforming it into its own soul realm.
Today, the soul realm of the skeleton young dragon has been promoted to the middle stage of the Great King, which is comparable to asking the human monk about the middle stage of the strong and the demon emperor. Its skeleton has been completely transformed into purple, and it has become harder and stronger, and it really has the strength of the Great King and is not an ordinary Great King.
With the soul realm of the skeleton baby dragon rising to its purity, Rowen is also rising with the tide, becoming more and more strong. At this time, it is led by Huaxia Nine, and the monkey demon in front of me is completely shocked.
The monkey demon is red and pretty, and he is struggling to resist Rowen. He is also an intermediate demon emperor’s realm, but the blood race characteristics of the dragon are too big. The dragon is the top creature in the demon family, and the release of Rowen in the same realm is naturally beyond the reach of an ordinary monkey demon.
After the monkey demon’s powerful strength and hard resistance to the four or five interest rates, it was always unbearable. Rowen leaned down and said to Huaxia Jiubai, "The heads of the monkeys, the red monkeys, met the dragon ambassador’s adult."
Huaxia Nine was slightly relieved when he saw this, but his face didn’t show the slightest look. He became more and more cold and indifferent. He looked at the red and said coldly, "How dare you doubt my identity before?"
Red Man’s face changed and there was a moment of panic, but then he seemed to think of something, and then he looked calm and showed a supercilious color. He said, "Red Man can’t be you. If you are really a dragon ambassador, how can you turn into a person? Now even the black dragon demon saint has failed to cross that step. Red Man has to doubt."
The unfinished meaning in Red Man’s words means that you are the demon king’s territory, and you have not even reached the demon emperor’s territory. It is too far from the real demon sacred territory in that statement. How can you become an adult with special dragon blood? Although you have dragon spirit and pure Rowen.
In addition, he deliberately went to the Black Dragon Demon Saint to wake up. How can the Black Dragon Demon Saint still be in the Dragon Valley and send a new dragon ambassador to China? On the whole, he still has doubts about the identity of the Chinese Kowloon envoy.
Huaxia Nine obviously had expected this and remained arrogant and indifferent. He said, "I am far from the demon sacred realm, but my ability to transfigure is a secret skill of my dragon, which is beyond your ability to measure by a little monkey demon."
Red pretty smell speech can’t help but look changeable. The dragon is so special, mysterious and powerful. It’s not impossible if there is any dragon occultism that can make the dragon turn into a human form. Besides, the dragon spirit and the dragon power can’t be fake, and everything can be imitated. At this time, he really believes in the identity of Huaxia Kowloon
The breath of Huaxia Nine Faces looks like the demon king’s realm is red and pretty. Although it is the realm of the demon emperor, I know that the dragon’s combat power in the realm of the demon king is comparable to that of the ordinary demon king. The Chinese nine combat power is absolutely comparable to that of the ordinary demon emperor. Red and pretty is also aware of this. Otherwise, there will be so much nonsense in the law of the jungle of the demon family. I would have started to stop Huaxia Nine first.
"What did the dragon make your Excellency go out of the valley this time?" Red pretty look more respectful and alert carefully asked.
Huaxia nine secretly Rowen hermetic a cold hum found that indeed as expected makes the red pretty mind shake face now scared. This just thought that the dragon really has a natural suppression of the ordinary demon race and said, "I am a dragon, but I am not a dragon messenger, not a demon race. I am here to give a message to the black dragon demon saint on the orders of my dragon king."
Red pretty smell speech can’t help but look shocked and want to ask what it is, but after thinking about it, he just didn’t dare to say it and hid it in his heart. In view of Huaxia Jiu’s bad intentions, he was not afraid that the young dragon was very bad for him, but he was afraid of the black dragon demon saint.
For several years, although the Black Dragon Demon Saint has not completely unified the demon race, its bloodthirsty, violent, tough and horrible side has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of every demon race for thousands of years. This is the time when the Black Dragon Demon Saint has torn up hundreds of demon emperor-level strong people and killed them. The nature of the demon race is to bully the weak and fear the hard, and the more powerful, bloodthirsty and violent it is, the more it makes the demon race fear respect.
Huaxia nine deliberately showed arrogance and toughness in his look words at this time, which is why he deliberately borrowed the title of the Black Dragon Demon Saint, and also added an amulet in the contact with the demon race in the back.
In fact, he just said, "I’ve been ordered by the Dragon King to bring a word to the Black Dragon Demon Saint", which has two purposes: one is to make the demon clan strong fear that the Black Dragon Demon Saint won’t dare to kill him, the other is to attract the attention of the four demon saints of the demon clan, and then meet them and try to make these demon clan masters say that the demon clan can become the main force against Luo Cha in the future.
In this move will cause dissatisfaction with the black dragon demon saint, but he will not worry about it for a while because Huaxia Nine knows that the black dragon demon saint is now preoccupied with fighting against the rising force in heaven and earth, which has been tampered with by the Luo Cha community for more than 3,000 years, and he has not left Linghu Root in the black dragon city, so he has no idea to note other things and will not leave Liuzhou easily.
Chapter three hundred and seventy Black mirror blood shadow
"Excuse me, dragon makes adult little demon excused himself." Monkey demon Red Man finally hesitated, took a deep look at Huaxia Nine, saluted slightly, and then glanced at the little tree demon and rode his mount to leave.
Huaxia nine looks cold and arrogant and indifferent, and nodded without saying anything. For the other party, he still called him a dragon and made him appear noncommittal.
After the monkey demon Red Man was out of sight of Huaxia Nine, he rose up and flew to Qingxia Mountain, the holy land of the Golden Monkey Saint. He wanted to tell the Golden Monkey Saint that Dragon Valley had sent a dragon envoy.
Huaxia Nine is located just at the junction of the main sphere of influence of Golden Monkey Saint, the power camp of the Tree Saint. The Red Monkey Valley where the red monkey clan is located is where the small tree demon is located. The maple forest is next to the Red Man, so that it can arrive at the first time. However, the main reason why this demon didn’t do it at the first time is that it is suspicious and cautious. If other big demons meet Huaxia Nine, they may directly start testing.
On the Golden Monkey Saint side, someone came to find out that Huaxia Jiushen is in the range of the Tree Saint. His every move has already been monitored by the Tree Saint. If the whole maple forest is a small tree demon with very busy eyes, then all the trees in the whole continent are tree saint eyes except those hanging alone on overseas islands.